Heavenly Delicious Caramel PopCorn

You know those caramel popcorn you get at the movies? Imagine that flavor, just WAAAAY Better!

All you need is this

3/4 cup Packed Brown Sugar
3 tbsp Corn Syrup
1/4 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pure Vanilla
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
8 cups of Plain Popcorn [about 3/4 cups kernels]

and 1/3 cups Butter of course! What would be some caramel popcorn without butter!!

Before you start anything else, get the corns all popped

Then melt Butter, Brown sugar, salt and Corn syrup in a non-stick pan over high heat. 

After it starts to boil, turn the heat off and add vanilla and baking soda

It'll start to get all bubbly and foamy 
Pour the mixture all over the popcorn. CAUTION: DO NOT TOUCH THE CARAMEL!!! It'll burn your skin in seconds.

Layer the popcorn in a baking sheet
and bake in 325F for 10 minutes

Remove from oven and ENJOY the heavenly deliciousness :D


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